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Case Study: La Collaborazione tra Intesa Sanpaolo e Traverse Translation Company

Case Study: La Collaborazione tra Intesa Sanpaolo e Traverse Translation Company

Introduzione alla Collaborazione La collaborazione tra Intesa Sanpaolo e Traverse Translation Company rappresenta un esempio significativo di sinergia tra il settore bancario e i servizi di traduzione specializzata. Avviata nel 2013, questa partnership ha avuto una durata complessiva di due anni, durante i quali Traverse Translation Company ha tradotto oltre 600.000 parole dall’inglese al serbo...

Case Study: Traverse Translation Company’s Collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo

Case Study: Traverse Translation Company’s Collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo

Introduction The collaboration between Traverse Translation Company and Intesa Sanpaolo represents a significant case study in the realm of financial services. This partnership, which spanned over two years, underscores the crucial role of accurate translations in the operations of multinational banks. With Intesa Sanpaolo being one of the largest banking groups in Europe, the need...

Fallstudie: Zusammenarbeit zwischen Traverse und CLAAS

Fallstudie: Zusammenarbeit zwischen Traverse und CLAAS

Einleitung In dieser Fallstudie beleuchten wir die langjährige Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Übersetzungsunternehmen Traverse und dem Landmaschinenhersteller CLAAS. Die Partnerschaft, die im Jahr 2009 begann, hat sich als äußerst produktiv und herausfordernd erwiesen. Diese Zusammenarbeit umfasst die Übersetzung verschiedener Dokumente, darunter Benutzerhandbücher, Werbematerialien und Kurzbroschüren, die aus dem Deutschen ins Serbische, Kroatische, Mazedonische und Bosnische übersetzt...

Case Study: Translation Partnership with CLAAS

Case Study: Translation Partnership with CLAAS

Introduction In 2009, a significant partnership was forged between Traverse, a renowned translation company, and CLAAS, a leading manufacturer of agricultural machinery. This collaboration marked the beginning of a long-term relationship focused on delivering precise and accurate translations to support CLAAS’s global operations. Over the years, Traverse has been instrumental in translating a wide array...

Case Study: La Collaborazione tra Traverse Translation Company e Iveco

Case Study: La Collaborazione tra Traverse Translation Company e Iveco

Introduzione alla Collaborazione La collaborazione tra Traverse Translation Company e Iveco ha avuto inizio nel 2012, segnando l’inizio di un rapporto professionale solido e produttivo. In questo articolo, esploreremo la natura del lavoro svolto congiuntamente, le sfide affrontate e i risultati ottenuti nel corso degli anni. Tale collaborazione si pone come un case study dettagliato,...

Case Study: Successful Collaboration between Iveco and Traverse Translation Company

Case Study: Successful Collaboration between Iveco and Traverse Translation Company

Introduction to Iveco and Traverse Translation Company Iveco, a globally recognized leader in the manufacturing of commercial vehicles, has established itself as a cornerstone in the transportation industry. Originating from Italy, Iveco’s diverse range of products, including trucks, buses, and diesel engines, has garnered international acclaim. The company’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction...

Case Study – John Deere: A Decade of Successful Collaboration with Traverse Translation Company

Case Study – John Deere: A Decade of Successful Collaboration with Traverse Translation Company

Introduction John Deere, a globally recognized leader in agricultural machinery, has been at the forefront of innovation and quality in the farming equipment industry. Established in 1837, the company has consistently set benchmarks in technology and service, catering to the diverse needs of farmers and agricultural professionals worldwide. As the industry evolved, so did the...

Fallstudie – Volkswagen: Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit der Traverse Translation Company

Fallstudie – Volkswagen: Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit der Traverse Translation Company

Einführung zur Zusammenarbeit Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Volkswagen und der Traverse Translation Company begann im Jahr 2010 und markierte den Beginn einer strategischen Partnerschaft, die auf Vertrauen und Professionalität basiert. Für Volkswagen, als einen der größten Automobilhersteller weltweit, war es entscheidend, einen Übersetzungsdienstleister zu finden, der nicht nur sprachliche Präzision, sondern auch kulturelle Sensibilität und technisches...

Case Study: Volkswagen and Traverse Translation Company

Case Study: Volkswagen and Traverse Translation Company

Introduction to the Partnership The collaboration between Traverse Translation Company and Volkswagen commenced in 2010, marking the beginning of a significant alliance in the automotive industry. This partnership has played a pivotal role in facilitating Volkswagen’s global communication strategy, enabling the automotive giant to streamline its multilingual documentation processes. Traverse Translation Company, renowned for its...